Practo: Usability Testing

Practo: Usability Testing

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What is Practo?

Practo is a health app where users can ask a doctor free health questions and get expert answers to their health queries. With the largest network of doctors and healthcare providers from top clinics and hospitals.

With Practo, we can:

  1. Access video consultations with doctors
  1. Find & book appointments with nearby doctors
  1. Order medicines online
  1. Book diagnostic tests and full body checkups
  1. Buy affordable family health plans
  1. Read healthcare articles and tips

The Plan

We started off with deciding on who our participants would be, their competencies and recruitment methods that we will put into use.
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After that we created user profiles to recruit participants and decided on the tasks they would be asked to perform for the usability test.
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Moderator - Arnab Dey
Note taker - Khushi Chandola
Observer - John Anugrah Masih

The Test

We connected with the participants one by one through Zoom. They were required to join the online meeting with two devices, one for sharing their video and one for sharing their screen while they use the application. Being the moderator, I began with greeting the participants and requesting them to turn on their camera and share their screen. Then I introduced the team and gave a brief about the project. The participants were then told that the testing would take about 30–40 minutes, and they will be given certain tasks which they will have to achieve using the application. The participants were requested to think out loud while performing the tasks, and ask me for assistance in case of any doubts or queries any time during the session.
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Observer’s Metrics:

During the test, the observer and note taker studied the user according to the metrics listed below.
Time taken
Assistance required (if any)

Notetaker’s Metrics:

Specific comments about the product while using
Error details
Design suggestions
Emotional response
Lastly, the participants were thanked again for their wishful participation and valuable feedback.

The Analysis

After the test, we put up our findings together on a digital board and discussed. Following were the results:
100% of the participants were able to understand the core concept of the app.
80% of the participants did not enjoy using the application
60% of the participants were not able to complete all the tasks given to them during the test
100% of the participants faced navigation problems due to the absence of a search bar on the home screen, and the length of the home screen being too huge.
60% of the participants were confused on account of the information bifurcation and content labels. The confusion was particularly between the video consultation and nearby doctors sections.
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After studying all the test results based on the metrics observed and noted, we analysed the data to come up with relevant results. The key findings are as follows:
  1. There is no search bar at the home screen
  1. Visual clutter creates confusion
  1. Improper bifurcation of information
  1. Inadequate information about medicines
  1. Homepage is too long and text heavy
  1. Content labels are not clear and add ambiguity
  1. Location based services are not clear
In order to prioritise the key findings, we arranged the insights on the impact-frequency graph.
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After the analysis, we discussed and decided upon the possible solutions and changes that could be incorporated in the application for eradicating the UX problems and flaws that were found.

The following are our suggestions:

  1. Provide structure
Segregate the information into different categories and use a bottom navigation bar.
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  1. Universal Search
A search bar in the homepage is immensely useful when users need to get very specific. The search bar should also detect loose searches, and should also take human errors into account.
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  1. Empower the user
Filters empower the users to be able to receive content specific to their context. They provide near perfect recommendations to the users and save the users’ time.
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  1. Location Based Services
Showing services based on the location of the user at all times is key. Rather than finishing the whole task and then finding out that the serivce isn’t available in their vicinity, their location would be provided at all times so that they are shown only relevant content.
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This was how we went about with our Remote Moderated Usability Testing. Kudos to my team for helping me with this project.

Thank You 😊
